Projects: Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs

SIGN2Inclusion: Facilitating DHH Students’ Democratic Participation & Inclusion through a Multimodal Sign Language Lexicon on Environment and Emerging Technologies Terms
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
STEM Education and Research
InterEd: Interdisciplinary Approaches for Innovative Education
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
InterGames: Incorporating Interdisciplinarity in Secondary School Education Using Conflict Video Games
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
Gaming Disorders: Upskilling school staff responsible for psychological and social support to identify, report and prevent “Gaming Disorders”
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
MAAT: Mobilizing Youth For Gender Inclusive Cities
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
SterE(U)otypes: Tackling migrant stereotypes towards Europeans that impede their integration into the EU societies
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
Get2Action – Empowering young people for more active civic and cultural participation: engaging with local and Europe’s cultural heritage
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
GrandFriend: Intergenerational Hub for the Amelioration of Sustainable Agricultural Practices and Entrepreneurial Mindset
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
Social Innovation and Green Technologies
MINDSET: Supporting youth organizations and youth workers for the Identification and Prevention of Youth Gaming Disorder (gaMINg DiSordEr youTh)
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
ABCDemocracy – Political literacy for Young vulnerable People
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs