Women experience cities differently from men (mainly due to their traditional roles caring for children, elderly relatives and the sick):

  • by using child care, health infrastructures and schools more than men do
  • by spending more time on public transport to this facilities
  • by making more stops in the commute from work to home
  • by being the primary targets of sexual assaults on public transport and streets since a very young age

and adding to all this the layers of discrimination that are added by belonging to other discriminated groups (suffering also from sexism, racism, homophobia and transphobia, xenophobia, age discrimination, etc).

The project’s objectives are:

  1. Promote evidence-based urban policy making anchored in the real needs of the population that uses a city, in particularly women, with a intersectional gender lens.
  2. Support the educational and personal development of young people, thinking globally but acting at local level, in making their cities more gender inclusive.
  3. Promote digital transformation, cooperation, quality, excellence, creativity and innovation in youth organizations educational provision and upskilling of youth workers.
  4. Raise awareness of intersectional gender inequalities reflected or amplified by urban planning and how to tackle them.

To achieve these goals, MAAT will develop:

  1. A set of Youth Policy Labs across Europe to give the opportunity to young people to identify problems regarding gender equality in their cities and propose their own solutions.
  2. A non-formal Educational Programme
  3. A set of strategies and Resources for Youth Workers to create more inclusive cities and promote gender equality and inclusion.


Project Duration: December 2022 – December 2024

Project Number: 2022-1-IT03-KA220-YOU-000085578

Project website: https://maatproject.eu/

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