This project aims to combat stereotypes, disinformation and prejudiced perceptions of migrant youth towards the European societies they are hosted in, which impede their smooth integration into these host societies. Often, migrant groups resist integration into a host society, in fear of cultural assimilation, and loss of identity or as a survival reaction to discrimination and xenophobia. These integration reactions usually employ stereotypes against the host society and the dominant cultural group that aim to emphasize the distinctive elements of the migrant population by exalting their cultural elements while downplaying those of the host society. This often results to the marginalization of certain migrant groups from mainstream society and the fragmentation of social tissue along ethnic or religious lines.

The project’s objectives are:

  1. Tackle migrant stereotypes
  2. Work with migrant youth and youth workers to help them distinguish and acknowledge stereotypical perceptions and behaviors in order to minimize their impact on the process of integration in a new country


Project Duration: January 2023 – January 2024

Project Number: 2022-3-NL02-KA210-YOU-000096371

Project website:

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