CIP 2030

Recognising diversity as a congenital feature of modern societies, CIP team has been tirelessly working to inspire, activate and transform communities by endowing citizens with innovative tools and comprehensive solutions, thus enabling them to reach their maximum potential in a sustainable manner. To accomplish its vision for social cohesion through the formation of inclusive, equitable and progressive societies, CIP has established an ongoing collaboration with leading universities, NGOs and civil society organizations of a pan-European and international outreach.

How we achive our vision

Design Unique Projects

CIP designs and coordinates innovative projects for various EU-funded programs such as Erasmus+ (KA2; KA3), INTERREG, COSME, JUSTICE, AMIF, Horizon EUROPE and EEA-Norway Grants.

Conduct advanced research

CIP staff conducts scientific research in order to tackle systemic social, educational and economic problems.

Simulate technological innovations

CIP’s priority is to develop and incorporate modern technological innovations into learning, thus making the educational processes more effective, entertaining and motivating.

Produce innovative hands-on tools

CIP develops practical solutions that aspire to modernize both the pedagogical methodologies and learning tools on the basis of scientific conclusions and findings, by primarily employing and utilising the latest technological innovations.

Raise awareness, inspire, transform

Awareness raising -which is primarily being achieved through the provision of reliable and accessible information on socio-cultural and environmental challenges- can catalyze the exchange of ideas and facilitate mutual understanding, thus setting core values as inherent features of a democratic society. CIP’s target is for such core values to be embedded in relevant national and EU policies that can bring about a genuine social change and lead towards the social transformation of modern communities.

Promote Equality and Diversity

CIP recognizes and promotes diversity, by establishing an inclusive culture for both its staff-members and target groups, whilst ensuring that policies, learning materials and processes do not discriminate against any individual or social group. Our team aspires to break the stereotypes and eradicate any stereotypical behaviours which could lead towards the marginalisation of socially sensitive populations

Facilitate inclusive learning

CIP develops and delivers free training courses and e-modules. These courses are tailor-made for specific target populations and have been designed to facilitate and catalyze the acquisition of knowledge. Our unique material ensures that learners with fewer opportunities or participants who have been encountering socio-cultural problems, economic obstacles, geographic barriers, disabilities or learning disorders have equal rights and educational opportunities.

Set up an entrepreneurial mindset

CIP encourages different target groups to think and act in an entrepreneurial way. This requires -apart from knowledge- out-of-the-box thinking, innovative ideas, inventiveness, creativity, communications skills and personal motivation. Through the offered programs as well as through the provision of consulting services, CIP aspires to educate, inspire and prepare the next generations of social entrepreneurs.

Establish a lifelong learning culture

Lifelong learning constitutes a form of self-initiated education which is tightly interwoven with the individual’s personal development. Such forms of learning can occur outside a traditional educational institute. CIP utilizes non-formal education methods with the aim to encourage young people and adults to broaden their spectrum of knowledge by continuously obtaining up-to-date skills and capacities.

History of CIP

Head Office Opening
First Training on Entrepreneurship
The Entrepreneur!

Person of the year!


First KA2 Project as Coordinator
Society Profits

(Social Entrepreneurship)


Our First KA2 Project on Inclusion

From Alienation to Inclusion


Our First Project on VR in education called STEPs

Supporting Ties in the Education of Prisoners


University of Nicosia

First strategic collaboration with the biggest university in Cyprus.

Creation of the first Virtual Museum for Stem Education

“The Virtual Museum of STEM-Creation of the first European virtual museum for STEM education at secondary level”


Our First Large-Scale Horizon Project

Turning human sanitary waste into fertilizer


Impact Hub Office Opening
Nicosia City Center


Completed More than 60 Projects

on Entrepreneurship

Completed More than 50 Projects

on Inclusion & Stakeholder Engagement

Counting more than 40 collaborations

with prestigious organizations

such as UCL & Toshiba

5 Horizon Projects

Currently Running

Social Initiatives

such as Awareness walks, Hackathons & Compost

19 Projects

Selected as good practice