Educational institutions should ensure equity in education so that every student can reach their potential to become an active and responsible citizen. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated pre-existing educational problems in the EU. Given the learning loss and demotivation experienced by students due to the pandemic, the percentage of early school leavers in the EU is expected to rise, increasing with it the risk of exclusion, disadvantage, and vulnerability.

The BE-IN project aims to increase the capacity of education systems to face early school leaving by developing an inclusive and socio-emotional curriculum and training program. Teachers will be equipped with innovative pedagogical strategies, tools, and approaches that will allow them to develop competencies in managing multilevel classroom environments. Equally, by valuing cognitive and emotional competencies, the project offers an opportunity to enrich the potential of each learner and prevent exclusion and failure at school. 

 BE-IN will offer the following resources:

  • An International Report on the state of the art of innovative and inclusive pedagogical methodologies and practices currently in place across the consortium’s national contexts.
  • A Roadmap summarizing the research aims and findings of the project.
  • An inclusive and emotional curriculum.
  • Coaching activities in schools, testing the inclusive and emotional curriculum developed.
  • A digital European Inclusive and Emotional Platform offering a teacher’s training course, available as a MOOC online.
  • A publication presenting the research results and implementation of inclusion and socio-emotional education activities.

The project brings together five European partners:

Oxfam Italia Intercultura, OII (Italy), Citizens in Power, CIP (Cyprus), Südwind (Austria), Forum for Freedom in Education, FFE (Croatia), and Anthropolis (Hungary).


Facebook: BE- IN Best Innovative Practices for an Inclusive and Emotional Education

Duration: 2022-2024 (24 months)

Project Number: 2021-1-IT02-KA220-SCH-348DE244



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