In the framework of the action KA210-SCH – Small-scale partnerships in school education and guided by the need for the implementation of innovative and interdisciplinary approaches to learning, OP.E.N -“Developing a tool to assess the need for Psychological first aid to adolescent school pupils” aims to develop an educational tool that will contribute to the assessment of the need for the provision of psychological first aid (MHPSS – Mental health and psychosocial support) to adolescent school students.

Over a one-year horizon, C.I.P Citizens in Power will work along with partners from Greece, Cyprus, and France not only to create a Blue-print for an institutionalized MHPSS early warning mechanism in school settings but also to cultivate and strengthen ties between different actors/parts of the school community.

The overall objective of the project is to promote a healthy and safe school environment. Specifically, to capacitate and empower school stakeholders -i.e., teachers, professionals in the field of school education and representatives of parents’ associations- to identify and manage mental health and psychosocial (MHPSS) emergencies.



– Creation of a Blue-print for an institutionalized MHPSS early warning mechanism in school settings

– Increasing awareness of the need for community-based, scalable MHPSS interventions as integrated elements of a healthy school environment

-Contributing to COVID-19 and/or other (health) emergencies psychosocial preparedness and post-crisis management

-Cultivating and strengthening bonds between different actors/parts of the school community

-Advocating and promoting positive change concerning MHPSS policies and school curricula



Association Doctors of the World – Greek Department (Greece)

C.I.P Citizens in Power (Cyprus)

Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus)

Syncnify (France)


Project Number: 2021-2-EL01-KA210-SCH-000050953

Duration: 01/03/2022 – 01/03/2023 (1 year)



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