ABCDemocracy is a KA 210 small-scale Youth project, which aims to enhance the democratic knowledge of young vulnerable people and thus encourage them to play an active role in shaping society. They will be trained in democratic and political basic know-how and sensitized to democratic and European values.


  1. To enhance the basic democratic knowledge of young vulnerable Europeans.
  2. To sensibilize them to democratic and European values.
  3. To strengthen young people´s democratic participation and autonomy and consequently to motivate them to take an active role in the political and decision-making processes.
  4. To improve equal access to everyday decisions for all young people.
  5. To provide youth-friendly and comprehensive information about democracy and it´s values.
  6. To offer interesting, attractive and inclusive lessons.
  7. To involve different European countries, sharing experiences, networks and resources.

Project Result

The final result of the project will be an online toolkit. This toolkit is divided into two main parts:

  1. Basic political knowledge/literacy.
  2. Awareness of democratic and European values.

The online toolkit will provide the following outcomes:

O1: Video-testimonies with interviews of political actors (politicians, ONGs or foundations) or activists. They will explain their experience, idea and vision about democracy, European values, and tolerance. The aim is to motivate and inspire young people with personal stories and opinions.

O2: Podcast series supported by written content about basic democratic knowledge and political literacy.

O3: Online Escape Room. Basic democratic knowledge as well as tolerant and pluralistic ideas are promoted in an inmersive gamified learning experience.

Another outcome of the project is a Guide for Youth Workers, who are working with young people with low qualifications or unemployed young people.


Moviendote (Spain)


C.I.P. Citizens in Power (Cyprus)


Project Duration: 01/12/2022 – 01/06/2024

Project number: 2022-1-ES02-KA210-YOU-F4684AA5

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