About the Project

The “Entrepreneurial Herstory” project aims to enhance the entrepreneurial mindset among young entrepreneurs. It focuses on identifying role models away from toxic gendered stereotypes and values. This will be achieved by giving minorities and underrepresented communities a voice to express their stories and unfold their memoirs in terms of unconventional entrepreneurship. The project’s objectives will be met by capacity building of the partner organisations, associated partners and stakeholders.

The project will produce the first-ever Guidebook on entrepreneurship inspired by women entrepreneurs in underrepresented communities that will be delivered in 4 Podcast episodes, as well as a Serious Game which will work as informative and educational material for everyone who wants to engage in unconventional entrepreneurship. Finally, the project will conclude this sequence of OERs with an e-Learning Module that includes Mini DocuSeries on Intersectionality in Entrepreneurship aimed at YWs.


Target Groups

The target group of Entrepreneurial Herstory is composed of:
-Youth workers/trainers and educators;
-Youth Organisations related to entrepreneurship;
-NGOs & CSOs that are key players in creating the conditions for the realisation of human rights and the transformation to a fair society for everyone with equal opportunities in education and labour; as well as NGOs that promote equality and diversification;
-Women who want to engage in entrepreneurship but that belong to an underrepresented community and have been overshadowed by social constructs and limitations;
-young people whose dreams have been the victims of intersectional discrimination by society;
-young people with ethnic backgrounds and ethnic characteristics, refugees, asylum seekers and migrants;
-LGBTQI+ people and anyone who is non-heterosexual or non-cisgender;
-Disabled people



  • C.I.P. Citizens In Power
  • Dramblys
  • Challedu
  • Centre for Social Innovation
  • IDM Consulting
  • HelixConnect


Project’s Results:

  1. Pedagogical Guidebook & Podcasts “Entrepreneurship through the Lens of Intersectionality. Impact, challenges and opportunities”
  2. Serious Game for the Promotion of Women Entrepreneurs from Underrepresented Communities.
  3. e-Learning Module to Improve Youth Workers’ skills on how to train future entrepreneurs to accept challenges and turn them into success & Mini DocuSeries on Intersectionality in Entrepreneurship




Social media



       Project Number: 2022-1-CY02-KA220-YOU-000084991


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