The GreenCities project is a comprehensive environmental protection initiative that directly addresses the horizontal priority of “Environment and fight against climate change.” The project encompasses several training modules, including an introduction to Smart City 3.0, good examples of sustainable cities worldwide, and technology usage as a solution for creating sustainable and green smart cities. The project utilizes online dissemination, paperless projects, webinars, and related contests to promote green cities and encourage green travel when possible, without mobility in the project.Moreover, GreenCities is a digital transformation project that provides training in creating SEO-friendly content, which is a vital skill for the present and future. The project’s partners and the community will benefit from this training, which directly covers the horizontal priority of “addressing digital transformation through the development of digital readiness, resilience, and capacity.”

The project also focuses on the field-specific priority of youth development by promoting active citizenship among young people. It does so by cooperating with public bodies such as municipalities to solve common environmental problems faced by citizens. The project’s community-building activities empower young people to become responsible citizens, understand environmental issues, and find solutions to problems specific to their cities.Smart City 3.0 is a technological concept that hosts many social entrepreneurship ideas. The project covers the field-specific priority of “promoting active citizenship, young people’s sense of initiative, and youth entrepreneurship, including social entrepreneurship.” Thus, the GreenCities project is an all-encompassing initiative that addresses various priorities related to environmental protection and youth development, making it a crucial initiative for building sustainable and green communities.

The main results of the Project are:

  • A Training Framework with predicted module structure: Unit 1 – Introduction to Smart City 3.0; Unite 2 – Good Examples worldwide; Unit – 3 Technology usage as a solution.
  • A Training Platform to help the development of sustainable smart green cities, training young people and municipality councils.
  • Building Green Youth Communities that have the potential to turn into an NGO




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