The objectives of TC4SEE project are:

  1. To promote and develop non-formal education methodologies that tackle inclusion, equity, excellence, creativity, diversity and innovation in education, training and youth through the use of innovative methodologies such as gamification and e-learning specifically designed for disadvantaged youth.
  2. Establish and develop transnational cooperation between organizations that work with youth with disabilities and youth with fewer opportunities in order to exchange knowledge, information and resources for innovating such youth work.
  3. To utilize digital tools, resources and creative digital and game-based methodologies in order to innovate learning processes and increase their quality so that they address the issues of social exclusion of the specific target group.

The project’s main purpose is to tackle social exclusion of the most disadvantaged youth groups by finding and creating innovative learning opportunities that allow them to equally participate in learning activities, so that they can gain much needed skills while collaborating with their peers without obstacles.

Addressing digital transformation through the development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity priority is being addressed through the creation of an e-book/ audiobook that will present the most innovative solutions in educational youth work with disadvantaged target groups, as well as bring new innovative educational activities and tools that can be used in order to improve soft skills and digital skills in the target group. In addition, all the activities of this project will be implemented online through the use of free online communication and collaboration tools such as Slack, Asana, Zoom, Jamboard, Google Drive, online excels… Other digital tools and resources for the development of learning activities and tools: nearpod, Tabletoopia, G-develop software, NVDA screen reading software, Ballyland gaming software, Be My Eyes software, podcast technology…

Increasing quality, innovation, and recognition of youth work will be accomplished through the exchange of good practices among the various organizations (experience wise) and mutual work on the research and development of an innovative and creative digital learning resources. The Quality management activity of the project will ensure the proper methodology in regards to the recognition of youth work by implementing digital badges for the recognition of learning achievements, promotion and implementation of EU instruments in order to validate the competences acquired by the participants during their participation in the project activities.

Duration: 2021-2022 (12 months)

Project Number: 2021-1-HR01-KA210-YOU-000033834

Facebook: tc4see



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