The DiGiPORT project will aim to equip adult trainers and adult education organizations in order to enable them support CCS professionals and artists with developing the necessary digital and entrepreneurial skills that will allow them to ensure their sustainability and, also, to enhance their resilience towards similar challenges and crises. Moving onwards from the competences’ development, the DiGiPORT project aims to develop and establish a pan-European online platform that will allow CCS professionals and artists to establish their own digital pop-up shops, through which they will be able to promote and disseminate their work and reach out to their target groups.

DiGiPORT project’s main tangible results will be:

– An innovative training material aiming to develop and enhance the digital and entrepreneurial skills of CCS professionals / artists operating mainly in the creative arts sector;

– An online content pan-European platform that will allow CCS professionals / artists to create their own digital pop-up shops, through which they will be able to promote and disseminate their work and reach out to their target groups;

– 24 digital pop-up shops (at least 4 per project country) developed within the project’s lifetime and during the piloting activities by CCS professionals / artists and promoted through the DiGiPORT online content platform;

– An interactive Toolkit for adult educators, adult education organizations and any other relevant interested party which shall include all aforementioned tools and materials and ensuring a high level of accessibility and transferability of the project’s outputs and outcomes;

– 6 multiplier events organized and implemented in each project country with the aim to actively engage relevant stakeholders and organizations in applying and exploiting the project’s key results.

Duration: 2021-2023 (24 months)

Project Number: 2021-1-FR01-KA220-ADU-000035172



Instagram: digiporteu



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