Global warming calls for global action and we need to understand the impact each one of us can have. This starts at the very beginning of our education and comprehension of science. The #livingSTEM project was created at the junction of these topics.

The issue of Global warming is central in today’s news and the young generations have taken a particularly big interest in it. Massive climate protests in many countries make this generation of young people and upcoming ones particularly concerned with the fallout of climate change, and their preoccupations will be centralized around this problem in the near future.

To be better equipped for future challenges there is a great need for STEAM skills. However, today’s STE(A)M education is often found lacking with 22.2% of European 15-year-olds presenting an underachievement in math and 20.6% in science, according to PISA results, which shows a critical need for improvement.

With youngsters feeling concerned about the environment on the one hand, and the insufficient education results for the STE(A)M subjects, which could help resolve main environmental problems in the future, on the other hand, we are in a situation where scientific education needs an upgrade, according to both: institutions and students themselves.

The #livingSTEM project will use the practical experience of Permaculture to engage students between 10 to 14 years old in the scientific subjects, which will boost STE(A)M learning, and encourage them to pursue a scientific career. While at the same time raising awareness with teachers and students about environmental issues, and giving them some key elements to an environmentally-friendly lifestyle.


Gamification System:

The Gamification System contains twenty educational outdoor and indoor games that fuse together STEAM subjects and Permaculture. Each activity can be spread over the school year and are best combined with theoretical as well as practical projects. The games are carefully laid out to develop a sense of intrigue, making the learning experience enjoyable and the implementation trouble-free.



Project website:

Project duration: 01-11-2019 until 31-10-2021

Project number: 2019-1-BE01-KA201-050529




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