Today, language training organizations welcome refugees who have not received, or only very little, schooling in their country of origin. Their journey of settlement on European territory necessarily includes many hours of training with a first phase of entry into the language and written language that is quite long. Bibliodos aims to provide them with a first reading offer.

Learning a language when living in a country is not only a matter of grammar and conjugation. It is also about understanding a culture, the richness and specificities of its heritage. From this perspective, books and literature are formidable vectors of transmission and engaged learning.

Nevertheless, they are often difficult for disadvantaged groups to access. Books are expensive and the language level is often far too complex for adults with illiteracy or first-time learners. The length of the texts can also be discouraging for readers who have experienced failures in their first phase of learning to write (or who have never been to school). As for publications that would be adapted in terms of length and language level, we quickly fall into the category of children’s literature, where the subjects covered are too childish and far from adult concerns. The publishing sector has developed interesting offers for language learning (easy French, shortened classics) but these books remain very expensive and reserved for a commercial offer from universities and schools.




This is why we have imagined making European literary works accessible to first-time readers or those who are illiterate through adaptations that are gradually becoming more difficult. To facilitate access to these works and enjoy advanced features, we have chosen to develop a digital library, designed for optimal reading on the device that is present today including all pockets, even the disadvantaged ones: the smartphone. To be fully accessible, this library will be designed according to 3 main categories of books: animated ebooks, audiobooks and books adapted in sign language.




For educators:


• Provide innovative and adapted resources to promote language learning through reading
• Strengthen and extend their digital skills to improve their daily professional practice
• Strengthen and broaden their pedagogical skills through the exchange of good practices between partners and associated partners, particularly on how to integrate audiences with specific needs


For adult learners:


• Facilitate access to writing and language learning with advanced reading features
• Enhance “pleasure” reading by offering a new reading experience
• Provide access to the digital resources available to understand European cultural heritage
• To improve foreign language skills of by developing two-fold focused material: cultural heritage and language skills.


In a transversal way:


• To foster intercultural awareness and share good practices related to common European cultural values
• Promote reading as a learning tool for cultural and personal enrichment
• Promote understanding of local, national and European cultures when learning a language
• Enhancing the value of Europe’s heritage and synergising the resources available to European public and private institutions
• Promote the integration of newcomers and people in very precarious situations through European culture




We wish to address simultaneously learners, educators and actors involved in the training and support of adults in language learning situations with low or non-existent reading skills. Ebooks are primarily aimed at learners:


• Adults in precarious situations (migrants, etc.)
• Adults in situations of illiteracy
• Expatriates in an integration situation


In addition, we will produce pedagogical dossiers in link with each ebook, a series of practice sheets and the White Paper of the project that are intended for:


• Professors, trainers
• Training organizations, resource centres




The enhancement of European heritage, the fight against illiteracy, the integration of newcomers and people in very precarious situations are issues that concern all European countries. Isolated national responses to these issues cannot be sufficient to address such challenges. Through the collaboration of European public and private associations and institutions and the exchange of good practices between partners and associated partners, by highlighting the exceptional resources of European heritage, we wish to make culture and heritage more accessible to all European citizens, improve and support the professional practices of adult educators who transmit this culture and promote intercultural dialogue between learners and educators.




Project duration: 31/10/2019 until 31/10/2021


Project number: KA204-24628595





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