The project d-ICT aims to improve VET educators’ digital skills and competencies in distance learning training by creating an innovative gamified eLearning experience. That will result into building a more interesting and interactive environment that will boost the curiosity of VET learners and lessen any potential dropouts.

The Covid-19 pandemic brought to the forefront the need for distance learning due to the closure of VET centres. Distance learning is a unique opportunity for the consortium countries – Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Belgium, France, and Portugal – to make VET education more interactive as they struggle to communicate effectively with the learners through the lockdowns. Therefore, the target groups are VET educators and learners that will benefit from this project’s outcome.

The project will offer the following resources:

  1. Lessons Learned: Explore the taken resolutions that were used during the Covid-19 era.
  2. D-ICT e-Toolkit: Introduce distance learning practices and digital tools to facilitate the e-Learning experience end prevent dropouts.
  3. Development of a Gamified asynchronous eLearning experience.

Partnership: University of Peloponnese (GR), Centro Servizi Formazione (IT), IASIS (GR), C.I.P Citizens in Power (CY), ISQe-learning (PT), F.C.B Forum Citoyens – Burgers (BE), Association de Gestion des Fonds Européens (FR), INFODEF Instituto para el fomento del desarrollo y la formación (ES)



Facebook Page: TBA

Duration: 01 November 2021 – 01 November 2023 (24 months)

Project Number: 2021-1-EL01-KA220-000024942



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