CIP is collaborating with the Museum of Arts and Crafts under the project Heidi (
The Museum of Arts and Crafts was founded in 1880 at the initiative of the Arts Association and its then president Izidor Kršnjavi, and was one of the first such institutions in Europe. The initial holdings of the Museum had been founded several years before the Museum was formally assembled. the Museum has at its disposal holdings containing about one hundred thousand items of the fine and applied arts, drawn from the period from the 14th to the 21st century, organized into a number of collections: furniture, glass, metal, ceramics, sculpture, painting, graphic art, etc. In the structure of the museum departments, an important role is taken by the restoration workshops, which are constantly at work on the preventive protection, conservation and restoration of museum objects.The educational department sees to the fulfilment of the programmatic objectives of the Museum with respect to communication with the public and the encouragement of creativity.