Great honor for C.I.P. Citizens in Power to sign on Friday, March 24, 2023 a Memorandum of Understanding with Cyprus Space Exploration Organisation (CSEO).

This Memorandum of Understanding sets the terms and understanding between the C.I.P. Citizens in Power and the CSEO to work towards the following core objectives:

  • Cooperation as partners in research, innovation, educational programmes and grant proposals on a national, European and international scale;
  • Development and promotion of new programmes and projects through joint domestic and international initiatives, in education and RTDI;
  • Development, strengthening and progress of RTDI, in relation to the interdisciplinary development required in an academic, technological and social context;
  • Working together to generate enthusiasm globally for STEM programs underscoring the benefits of investment in RTDI, with particular attention to mutual topics of interest;
  • Organising joint education, outreach and Thought Leadership initiatives for schools, academia and the wider public;
  • Running exchange programmes;
  • Sharing information about networking opportunities that are intended to attract students and young professionals to STEM fields;
  • Joint expansion and exploitation of the global networks of both Parties and the associated institutions and organisations, in mutually selected projects.
  • Joint holding of events, conferences, workshops, competitions, seminars and lectures both domestically and internationally, on related topics and utilising existing flagship activities of the Parties.
  • Making use of the Parties’ infrastructure, mutual support of personnel for training purposes and the exchange of services in areas of common interest.
  • Mutually showcasing research, technologies, activities and results through respective networks and forums;
  • Exchanging exhibits and media, highlighting the role of the Parties in innovation and technologies (via mass media and social media);

The MoU was signed with the presence of Mr. George A Danos (President of the Cyprus Space Exploration Organisation), Angelos Parmatzias (Director of C.I.P. Citizens in Power), and of all participating guests during the 5th Cassini Hackathon – “Space: Defence & Security” opening ceremony.