Projects: Social Innovation and Green Technologies

Community-driven Digital Action: A catalyst for social change in the COVID-19 crisis (HEIDI)
Social Innovation and Green Technologies
OCEA(n)RT: Increasing youth participation to address plastic -“COVID-Waste”- litter through visual art works
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
Social Innovation and Green Technologies
Jobs of the Future: “Addressing the employability of future generations by providing youth with opportunities to engage with future technological occupations”
Social Innovation and Green Technologies
STEM Education and Research
PermaVET: “Introducing permaculture concepts to sensitize VET students for their specific potential in making a change”
Social Innovation and Green Technologies
STEM Education and Research
Code4SP: “Coding for Social Promotion – Transfering computer programming skills via non-formal education”
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
Social Innovation and Green Technologies
3D Print: “Developing and producing a 3D Printing Toolkit for adult education”
Social Innovation and Green Technologies
VX-DESIGNERS: “Creative methodologies for using virtual exhibitions as a pedagogical tool for student learning and enhancement of teachers’ & students’ skills”
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
Social Innovation and Green Technologies
Gaming for Skills: Promoting video games as pedagogical tools
Social Innovation and Green Technologies
NEX-LABs: “NEXUS-Driven Open Labs For Competitive And Inclusive Growth In The Mediterranean”
Social Innovation and Green Technologies
TOUR FR(I)END Friendly Redesign of Inclusive Experiences N’ Destinations for Deaf people
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
Social Innovation and Green Technologies