Projects: Social Innovation and Green Technologies

VA MOOC will create a VET course, as well as tutoring and guidance tools for virtual assistants in the form of a tutoring chatbot, a set of introductory factsheets, and a practical toolbox.
Social Innovation and Green Technologies
Community-driven Digital Action: A catalyst for social change in the COVID-19 crisis (HEIDI)
Good Practices
Social Innovation and Green Technologies
OCEA(n)RT: Increasing youth participation to address plastic -“COVID-Waste”- litter through visual art works
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
Social Innovation and Green Technologies
Jobs of the Future: “Addressing the employability of future generations by providing youth with opportunities to engage with future technological occupations”
Social Innovation and Green Technologies
STEM Education and Research
PermaVET: “Introducing permaculture concepts to sensitize VET students for their specific potential in making a change”
Social Innovation and Green Technologies
STEM Education and Research
Code4SP: “Coding for Social Promotion – Transfering computer programming skills via non-formal education”
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
Social Innovation and Green Technologies
3D Print: “Developing and producing a 3D Printing Toolkit for adult education”
Social Innovation and Green Technologies
VX-DESIGNERS: “Creative methodologies for using virtual exhibitions as a pedagogical tool for student learning and enhancement of teachers’ & students’ skills”
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
Social Innovation and Green Technologies
Gaming for Skills: Promoting video games as pedagogical tools
Good Practices
Social Innovation and Green Technologies
NEX-LABs: “NEXUS-Driven Open Labs For Competitive And Inclusive Growth In The Mediterranean”
Social Innovation and Green Technologies