KA220-YOU – Cooperation partnerships in youth

The superYOUTH project focuses on tackling the information-driven malice orchestrated by campaigns resulting in Disinformation, Misinformation and Malinformation (DMM) in youth populations. The effect of DMM is exacerbated by the youth’s increased exposure to digital media and the internet leading to poor responses and a rise in extremist views during societal crises such as political events, refugee crises, pandemics (COVID-19), the introduction of 5G technologies, global warming and more!

Existing attempts to mitigate this effect, such as UNESCO’s fake news toolkit (UNESCO, 2020), bare an insufficient focus on youth. For this reason, the superYOUTH project will target youth more specifically by developing a transnational youth worker training programme on better training the youth to debunk DMM. The training programme will upskill youth workers to teach young people how to be proactive against DMM and provide them with techniques to fight their pre-existing biases. Moreover, youth workers will be more capable of handling groups at risk and guiding the youth to engage in active citizenship.

The project will offer the following resources:

  • A curriculum on fighting disinformation, misinformation and malinformation (DMM)
  • A youth worker train-the-trainer toolkit on DMM
  • An open access platform for fake news reporting (moderated by experts)

Additionally, superYOUTH will facilitate certification according to YOUTHPASS (for youth participants) and DigComp (for youth workers).

Partnership: UNIVERSITÀ TELEMATICA INTERNAZIONALE- UNINETTUNO (Italy), Digital Communication Network Global (Greece), HELIXCONNECT EUROPE S.R.L (Romania), YET ASTIKI MI KERDOSKOPIKI ETAIREIA (Greece), C.I.P. Citizens In Power (Cyprus), DPO Compliance Consulting S.r.l.s. (Italy), and Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini S.r.l. SB (Italy)

Website: www.superyouth.eu

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/superyoutheu/

Instagram Profile: https://www.instagram.com/superyoutheu/

Twitter Page: https://twitter.com/superyoutheu

Linkedin Page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/superyoutheu/

Duration: 28 February 2022 – 31 December 2023 (22 months)

Project Number: 2021-1-IT03-KA220-YOU-000028493


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