Projects: Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs

PERIEGESIS promote inclusiveness of Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) people in vaults of cultural treasures
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
DiOtherCity: Digital tools for professionals in the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs)
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
POEME: “Project leading to an Exhibition for the incorporation of Migrant children into the European school frameworks”
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
OCEA(n)RT: Increasing youth participation to address plastic -“COVID-Waste”- litter through visual art works
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
Social Innovation and Green Technologies
The GLAMers: Enhancing GLAMs through youth engagement during the COVID-19 crisis
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
Good Practices
DREAMM (Develop and Realise Empowering Actions for Mentoring Migrants)
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
Code4SP: “Coding for Social Promotion – Transfering computer programming skills via non-formal education”
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
Social Innovation and Green Technologies
VX-DESIGNERS: “Creative methodologies for using virtual exhibitions as a pedagogical tool for student learning and enhancement of teachers’ & students’ skills”
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
Social Innovation and Green Technologies
ELMET: Experiential Learning MEthodologies addressing vulnerable employed and unemployed people
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
PROTECT: Providing targeted training materials to promote safeguarding, knowledge and prevention around Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs