ELMET seeks to make a significant impact on current training practices, equipping c-VET professionals with practical resources based on innovative methodologies. We believe that the use of the project’s tools will help to generate motivating (face-to-face and virtual) learning spaces for the most vulnerable student profiles, and that, in addition, the project’s results are easily transferable to other educational levels.

In today’s labor markets, which are living exponential transformations that have a cross-cutting impact on practically all sectors and occupations, continuous training, c-VET, becomes a key tool. Training gaps have a quantifiable negative impact on the employment opportunities of workers, and especially in people with a lower educational level, who are exposed to almost twice as likely to be unemployed with the economic and social loss that this implies.

Experts call for updating the scenario of c-VET and in-company training because low participation is identified with training topics out-of-date from the reality of the new working scenarios, and with the use traditional and unmotivating methodologies for the profile of low-skilled people.

One of the elements that most affect the success of a training initiative aimed at workers and unemployed people with lower qualifications is the pedagogical approach and the applied methodology. Andragogical approaches and methodologies for experiential and creative learning are placed at the centre of the stage to enable the design and delivery of innovative, motivating, and c-VET that allows the development of the so-called transversal skills of the 21st century (problem solving, communication, critical thinking, etc.)

The ELMET project tries to contribute to the development of innovative and updated c-VET opportunities by developing a set of resources, in the form of a complete TOOLKIT that enable c-VET trainers and experts to design and use the educative Escape Games (including digital escape rooms) as new active learning methodology to develop the key abilities and competences requested from the Changing Working environments.

ELMET project objectives are:

  • To innovate in the field of c-VET by supporting trainers in the design, delivery and evaluation of active learning methodologies.
  • To facilitate the application of Escape Rooms, including fully digital ones, for the development of skills and competences necessary for the jobs and occupations in the digital era.
  • To support c-VET trainers in the acquisition of competences, skills, knowledge and resources for the use of active learning methodologies.
  • To raise awareness on the need of modernising the delivery of c-VET schemes to adapt them to new labour and learning scenarios.
  • To improve the quality of the training offered to vulnerable workers and unemployed people so they are motivated and engaged to the learning process.

Target Group: Trainers of employed and unemployed people (especially low qualified, long term unemployed, migrants, etc.) and of active professionals that want to recycle their skills and competences to new working environments.

ELMET TOOLKIT for the design, delivery and evaluation of experiential learning programmes will offer a complete set of ready-to-use resources, including:

  • A training course on the design of escape rooms: specific for the continuous training field.
  • A guide to support each of the stages that comprise this learning methodology: design, implementation, facilitation and evaluation.
  • A guide to support the creation of 100% digital-based escape-rooms.
  • 3 ready-to-use escape rooms in offline version and 3 ready-to-use escape rooms in online version, focusing on the 3 main transversal topics identified among the needs of active workers or unemployed people (i.e. new digital working environments, green transversal skills, 21th century soft-skills (creative and critical thinking, effective communication, teamwork and collaboration in intercultural environments).

Duration: October 1st, 2020 – September 30th, 2022 (24 months)

Website: www.elmetproject.eu

Project Number: 2020-1-ES01-KA202-082685



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