“Green STEAM Incubator” is seeking to investigate the common boarders of STEAM and entrepreneurship, by identifying ways in which STEM-oriented knowledge can be utilised along the path of enhancing agriculture, environmental engineering and social innovation, under the context of Youth-oriented activities. Simultaneously, the project aspires to set a fertile ground for the promotion of a culture of social enterprises, agrobusinesses and start-ups, capable of utilising recent technological innovations.




1) Provide youth organisations with a comprehensive framework and advised methodologies on how to coordinate and sustain collaborative affiliations with the agro-entrepreneurship sector


2) Provide youth organisations with STEM-oriented theoretical knowledge frameworks, through the provision of essential STEAM material and curriculum


3) Modernise the pedagogical approaches that youth organisations tend to use in relation to the non-formal learning in agriculture / agro-entrepreneurship, thus teaching them how to prepare the next generation of agro-entrepreneurs


4) Assist youth organisations on how to establish real and on-going collaborations with agro-enterprises and farms that will be able to thrive within the project’s materialisation period, thus promoting the selection of professions (amongst youth) that fall in the sector of agriculture and entrepreneurship.


5) Endow youth organisations with gamified methodologies (board game, treasure hunts and quests) that can be applied anywhere


6) Endow youth organisations with a gamified pedagogical approach that investigates the term of habitat-conservation


7) Endow youth organisations with STEAM-oriented knowledge on Microcontrollers as well as on 3D-Modelling


8) Share an understanding on how they could potentially contribute/intervene to the formation of environmental policies.


9) Provide youth organisations with expertise on how to operate a green STEAM laboratory, thus learning how to deal with the resources, software and needed materials, as well as on how to set behavioural and operational rules, conducts and standards for the establishment of Youth STEAM laboratories.




Green STEAM Incubator will directly involve 140 participants (youth workers) in total throughout the pilot testing phase, local training activities and short staff training events, with the aim to bring STEAM laboratories in Youth Organisations, namely:


a. local youth organisations, youth centres and municipalities dealing with disadvantaged groups such as NEET, early school leavers, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, and ex-prisoners;
b. youth organisations and youth centres dealing with environment policies and actions;
c. youth organisations which are focusing on the provision of non-formal education related to social entrepreneurship, green entrepreneurship and agro-entrepreneurship;
d. youth organisations and youth centres which are seeking to acquire expertise in STEAM-oriented activities




• The Green STEAM Incubators Manual, composed of the following section-parts:


o 1 Guidebook for youth workers, enriched with concrete action plans and methodologies on how to design and materialise collaborative frameworks and partnerships between youth organisations and agro-entrepreneurship sector
o 1 Pedagogical Guide which demonstrates STEM oriented theories & concepts
o 1 Pedagogical Guide which appeals to the on-site facilitators, indicating all the practical arrangements and further aspects of youth’s training in agro-enterprises.
o An online library with useful material and new content, enriched with good practices, participants’ comments and further feedback.


• The on-the-spot gamification of Green STEAM incubator:


o 1 set of gamified methodologies, such as treasure-hunts, quests and a board game
o 1 manual on how to use the gamified methodology, in various youth settings.


• Green STEAM Incubator’s Micro-controller Module:


o 1 Introductory Module on Microcontrollers
o 1 Handbook, composed of eco-friendly projects, in the form of non-formal workshops


• Green STEAM Incubator’s 3D Modelling Module:


o 1 Introductory Module on 3D-Modelling
o 1 Handbook with proposed interlinked environmental projects, presented in the form of workshops
o 1 Methodological Guide on how to employ “Design Thinking Models”


• Exhibition of final products and services:


o 3 digital exhibitions (one in each partner-language) composed of videos, recordings and photos
o 3 Media Campaigns (one per partner country) with the aim to sensitize the public on the range of possibilities that STEM-oriented fields could provide.


Website: www.steam-incubator.org


Facebook page: Green STEAM incubator


Project duration: 01-03-2020 to 28-02-2022


Project number: 2019-3-CY02-KA205-001692



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