The goal of this project and the main impact are the preservation of the environment and the social inclusion of the rural communities, through the promotion of their readiness and resilience against forest fires. For this purpose the adult rural communities will be trained on forest fire prevention (as a background knowledge) and most importantly on self-protective preventive and reactive actions when threatened by forest fires.

This is aligned with the “current policy challenges” identified in the report “Forest Fires – Sparking firesmart policies in the EU” of the European Commission (2018)

– “Shifting the focus from suppression to prevention and increasing the awareness and preparedness of populations at risk”

– “Ensuring communities’ resilience to the danger of forest fires [which] requires an improvement in the knowledge of actual exposure to the risk and the effective response in the event of an emergency”.

It is also aligned with the booklet “Land-based wildfire prevention – Principles and experiences on managing landscapes, forests and woodlands for safety and resilience in Europe” from the European Commission (March 2021) that refers that “Populations living near green spaces must become acquainted with the different wildfire risks and associated activities.

Since urban areas are sometimes stretching into rural areas, there is a risk of wildfires affecting an increasing proportion of the population in these areas. More people must thus be made aware of wildfire and its consequences, and they need to know how to act in case of a fire.”

i) train people in the rural areas and neighbouring regions on “how to act in case of a fire”;
ii) transfer skills on fire prevention to rural area populations;
iii) consolidate actions to increase the resilience to forest fires in rural areas;
iv) contribute to forest and life preservation;
v) increase the safety of populations by implementing readiness programmes dedicated to civilians. vi) create one training module and materials on self-protection against forest fires and forest fire prevention. 

The project will offer the following resources:

  • FFP – Training Framework
  • FFP – Development of training modules and online training
  • Mid-term impact assessment study of FFP training during wildfire season and a final publication
R3_A3 - Final National Report Cyprus


L4Y Learning For Youth GmbH (Germany)

BOSEV (Turkey), 

KMOP (Greece), 

SPEL (Portugal), 

OVAR-Forma (Portugal), 

Cesie (Italy), 

Growth-Coop (Spain), 

C.I.P Citizens in Power (Cyprus)

Project Number: 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000028430

Duration: 01/11/2021 – 01/11/2023 (24 months)


Project Reference: 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000028430

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