BeTheChange is an Erasmus Plus KA2 Higher Education project which targets Higher Education (HE) students (18-30 years old) and their teachers.

Climate change is the greatest global threat facing the world in the 21st century. In the fight against climate change, one of the key goals is awareness-raising about the environmental challenges and actions that can be taken to mitigate them, and education is key in addressing this. In Europe, there is a lack of educational programs on climate change in the context of formal education.

The BeTheChange project aims to develop an Interactive Educational Programme (IEP) on climate change, which transforms the challenges mentioned above into advantages.



The overarching goals of the project are four-fold:

  • To harness social media video education on climate change.
  • To perform automated and structure analysis (using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning) on both the contents and users’ reactions in order to identify elements that make a video on climate change appealing and engaging.
  • Develop an effective interactive educational program for Higher Education students
  • Promote HE students’ learning on climate change and its consequences, and elicit more pro-environmental behavior, beliefs and attitudes.


Work Packages

The BeTheChange project will:

  • Identify video characteristics that make a video on climate change appealing (i.e. video virality) and effective (i.e. knowledge acquisition, change in beliefs and pro-environmental behavior) to both general social media users and to HE students in Europe
  • Create a match between individuals and their preferred video characteristics on an Interactive Educational Programme (“BtheChange”), using Artificial Intelligence
  • Enable a testing-bed for validation of the effects of the specific teaching practices and develop and a multicultural and international IEP hosting effective educational videos exemplified on the topic of climate change.



Halmstad University (Coordinator, Sweden)


University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) Cyprus (Cyprus)

University of Montpellier (France)

University of Western Macedonia (Greece)



Project duration: 01-11-2022 – 31-10-2024 (24 months)

Project number: 2022-1-SE01-KA220-HED-000087275



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