The 2019 OESC report provides strong evidence that young people in Europe are struggling to find work (unemployment 15%). However, the report reveals the tendency of young people to take the risk and found their own start-up or innovative enterprise. Over 40% of them find it feasible to be self-employed within the next 5 years. However, transmission between school and employment is challenging especially in rural agricultural areas. Even though the green economy accounts for 6% of the EU’s GDP, the population in rural areas is rapidly getting older while figures show that only 6% of the total managers in rural areas are under 35 years of age. The challenges young people are facing are lack of careers, training, managerial and professionals skills, lack of examples of successful innovative agro-enterprises, and lack of networks. ESM (Europe Startup Monitor) reveals that young people try to overcome all the above challenges by forming teams (over 79% of founders started as a team).

AgriCharisma is aiming to empower young people to create strong teams and engage with agro-entrepreneurship. It proposes that the success key for a new agro-startup is the TEAM. The formation of a team with complementary skills, competencies and roles before starting is crucial. Thus AgriCharisma emphasizes developing tools for connecting young people interested in agro-entrepreneurship (platform), assessing their skills and competencies and empowering them to develop their skills (E-courses and Serious game) and create efficient teams and agro-companies. At the same time, it offers a guide to youth trainers and educators to effectively integrate those tools in their courses.


-promote entrepreneurship education and agro-entrepreneurship among young people (age 18-24) especially those in rural areas -support young people to identify their skills and competencies, in order to develop them more or acquire new for succeeding in developing sustainable agro-Enterprises

-applying innovative non-formal game-based learning methods, developing innovative activities and creating innovative tangible digital tools promoting open education and innovative practices in agro-entrepreneurship in a digital era

-promote empowerment, connection and engagement of young people to agro-entrepreneurship

-strengthen the skills of youth trainers, coaches, career advisors and relevant professionals


-Young people (age 18-30) especially from rural areas

-Youth trainers and educators, career advisors, other relevant professionals

-Youth centres, agro-clusters, university departments of relevant fields, other stakeholders


-O1: Agricharisma Platform for young agro-entrepreneurs

-O2: E-course Module 1: Key skills and personality characteristics of a strong founding team.

-O3: E-course Module 2: Development of soft skills useful on agro-entrepreneurship through innovative hands-on activities

-O4: AgriCharisma Digital serious game; on assessing personality characteristics and developing skills on Agro-entrepreneurship

-O5: Guide for youth trainers and educators; on how to implement the innovative tangible tools and methods of Agricharisma in their courses.


-Young people will participate in activities within the framework of the project or get aware of them. Expected number indicator: 100

-Staff and associates of the partner organizations including youth trainers, educators and relevant professionals will learn about the educational tools created within the project.

DURATION: 01/02/2021 – 31/01/2023

Project Number: 2020-3-FR02-KA205-018354

Project Website:

Facebook Page: AgriCharismaProject

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