It was a great honor for C.I.P. Citizens in Power to sign on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, a Memorandum of Understanding with the Hambis Municipal Printmaking Museum. 

This Memorandum of Understanding sets the terms and understanding between C.I.P. Citizens in Power and Hambis Municipal Printmaking Museum to work towards the following core objectives: 

  • Joint implementation of research projects 
  • Exchange of documentation, scientific information, and publications 
  • Interaction through meetings, seminars, conferences, networking events, summer schools, exhibitions and training seminars 
  • Development and delivery of conventional and distance-learning and development programmes of study research 
  • Co-operation between Learning Centers 
  • Sharing and mutual use of physical and electronic infrastructures. 
  • Collaboration under the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program, the Human Resource Development (ANAD) programs, and other European funding. 

This Memorandum of Understanding signifies a new chapter in our efforts to support the arts and preserve cultural heritage in our region. 

The MoU was signed in the presence of Mr. Yiorgos Tsaggaris (Head of the Museum) and Angelos Parmatzias (Director of C.I.P. Citizens in Power)