Projects: Inclusion

DiOtherCity: Digital tools for professionals in the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs)
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
DREAMM (Develop and Realise Empowering Actions for Mentoring Migrants)
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
Code4SP: “Coding for Social Promotion – Transfering computer programming skills via non-formal education”
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
Social Innovation and Green Technologies
EFIVOS Encouraging and Fostering Inclusive Values among youth by Increasing awareness and enhancing KnOwledge and Skills requirements in a digital era
TOUR FR(I)END Friendly Redesign of Inclusive Experiences N’ Destinations for Deaf people
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
Social Innovation and Green Technologies
BIBLIODOS second language acquisition (A1, A2), by combining the promotion of European literature and heritage
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
Good Practices
E-Design – European Digital Education for Social Inclusion and Global Neighbourhood
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
STEM Education and Research
S.T.E.Ps: Supporting Ties in the Education of Prisoners
Good Practices
Social Innovation and Green Technologies
ICT for Social Inclusion
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
Social Innovation and Green Technologies
FATI : From Alienation to Inclusion
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs