Projects: Good Practices

Numeric[All]; Gamified museum methodologies towards the acquisition of numeracy, literacy and transversal skills for illiterate adults
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
Good Practices
STEM Education and Research
Community-driven Digital Action: A catalyst for social change in the COVID-19 crisis (HEIDI)
Good Practices
Social Innovation and Green Technologies
VM-STEM: “The Virtual Museum of STEM-Creation of the first European virtual museum for STEM education at secondary level”
Good Practices
STEM Education and Research
The GLAMers: Enhancing GLAMs through youth engagement during the COVID-19 crisis
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
Good Practices
Gaming for Skills: Promoting video games as pedagogical tools
Good Practices
Social Innovation and Green Technologies
RecreaMATHS: Shifting the teaching of mathematics to kindergarten with game-based pedagogies
Good Practices
STEM Education and Research
Green STEAM Incubator: “Investigate the common boarders of STEAM and entrepreneurship under the context of Youth-oriented activities”
Good Practices
STEM Education and Research
BIBLIODOS second language acquisition (A1, A2), by combining the promotion of European literature and heritage
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
Good Practices
FLYie- Female Legends Youth innovation and entrepreneurship
Good Practices
Escape Rooms for Social Entrepreneurship
Good Practices