Projects: Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs

PIVOT Project: Promoting Inclusive Instruction for Active Participation in Diverse Classrooms
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
STEM Education and Research
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
Social Innovation and Green Technologies
STEM Education and Research
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
Social Innovation and Green Technologies
FEMLEAD: Fostering FeMale participation and LEADership in open science initiatives 
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
STEM Education and Research
Rainbow Rhythms: Empowering the LGBTQI+ Youth Sector through Queer-Inclusive ERSE Arts
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
ExhiBIT : Co-curating in the Phygital Museum and the creation of alternative narratives and transcultural “voices” towards developing inclusive and sustainable museums.
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
TraCe – The Travelling Case of an Experimental Archaeologist
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
STEMAzing Women: Empowering Young Women in STEM to Overcome Barriers and Unemployment
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
MoMs Project: Empowering Disabled Women in Motherhood
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs
IL4SH – Intergenerational Learning for Sustainable Households
Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs