
TraCe – The Travelling Case of an Experimental Archaeologist

TraCE promotes experimental archaeology as an innovative educational methodology for teachers, helping them to create hands-on activities in their classrooms to increase the interest and knowledge of their students (11-15y/o) in STEAM subjects. The participants test the lesson plans and the digital simulations to experience using experimental archaeology in STEAM teaching/learning. 

The project aims to design and implement a unique methodology and sustainable, replicable framework that uses experimental archaeology as a pedagogical tool to create a cross-curricular and interdisciplinary STEAM education (at the upper primary and lower secondary educational level).  

TraCE aims to address a wide range of needs in the educational system of the partner counties, including increasing the interest of students in STE(A)M education, offering hands-on practical activities in classrooms, increasing the use of technology in classrooms as well as increasing the competencies of educators and helping schools become more inclusive and accessible for vulnerable groups of people (i.e. migrants, students with disabilities, students from lower socio-economic backgrounds). 

More particularly, students will be able to interact and experiment with replications of archaeological artefacts (such as animal bones, pottery, glass, old compasses) and apply STEAM theorems (such as Boyle’s law to melt/re-create glass, and chemical elements to reconstruct ancient pottery).   

These activities are innovative as they offer a practical understanding of STEAM, showing the real-life applications of these fields, while simultaneously advancing students’ skills and competencies further (problem-solving, critical thinking, analysis, mathematical logic). 

Expected results: 

  • Local training activities and pilot workshops will be organized in Cyprus, Greece and Denmark with STEAM educators and students (with at least 50% girls and women participants). 
  • A combination of hands-on and digital activities will be produced to promote the use of experimental archaeology as an interdisciplinary approach to STEAM excellence. 
  • Animated videos and a booklet explaining the potential of experimental archaeology in STEAM will also be developed. 
  • Lesson plans based on experimental archaeology, tailored to the national curriculum of partner countries, will be created. 
  • Ready-to-use Digital Simulations will be developed to offer students the possibility to digitally experiment with archaeological methods and objects 


Vesthimmerlands Museum – VM , Aars, Denmark  Gode oplevelser på VESTHIMMERLANDS MUSEUM 

Elliniko Mesogeiako Panepistimio – HMU, Crete, Greece ΕΛΜΕΠΑ | Ελληνικό Μεσογειακό Πανεπιστήμιο ( 

Aars Skole – Aars, Denmark  

Foley’s School , Limassol, Cyprus – Welcome to our School 

Citizens in Power – CIP – Nicosia, Cyprus Home – Citizens In Power 

Project Number: 2023-1-DK01-KA220-SCH-000152097 

Project Duration: 31/12/2023 – 30/12/2025  


Social Media:  

TraCe Facebook page: 

Instagram page: 

YouTube page: 

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. Project No. 2023-1-DK01-KA220-SCH-000152097. 
