The Numeric[All] project aims to improve and extend the supply of high-quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of low-skilled individuals through the development of gamified, non-formal mathematical tools, consisting of components of a mobile museum, with the ultimate aim of cultivating and bolstering basic educational and professional skills of illiterate adult learners. The key competences framework introduced by the EU further highlights their importance and necessity to sustain the current standards of living, support high employment rates and foster social cohesion.
The innovative museum methods used to foster positive change and instil basic education competences revolve around experiential learning and inclusive adult education. In light of this, the materials developed through this project will provide adult trainers and lifelong learning centres with the necessary technical knowledge and skills on 3D Modelling to implement the interactive exhibits based on their adult learners’ needs. Thus, a holistic approach is offered to bridge the basic competences gap, promote positive behavioural changes, and support the integration of low-skilled individuals into society and the labour market.
The results of the project will be:
A methodological guide on the use of museum methodologies based on adult learners’ needs;
A mobile museum consisted of a series of interactive exhibits and corresponding blueprints to encourage the development of basic education competences;
A STEM module on 3D Modelling accompanied by a DIY creation kit, which will provide a comprehensive introduction and detailed instruction on how to bring the interactive exhibits to life;
An E-Book dedicated to the implementation of the interactive exhibits through pedagogical processes, lesson plans and videos to enhance the adult learning experience.
Good Practice: Search – Erasmus+
Partnership: C.I.P. CITIZENS IN POWER (CY), SCS LogoPsyCom (BE), Associació mmaca (ES), AKMI ANONIMI EKPAIDEFTIKI ETAIRIA (GR), Associação Ludus (PT)
Duration: February 1st, 2022 – February 1st, 2024 (24 months)
Project Number: 2021-1-CY01-KA220-ADU-000035154
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