

MathArtStories seeks to integrate Digital Storytelling as a pedagogical method in lower secondary Math curricula through Art ramifications, whilst strengthening teachers’ ICT knowledge and skills in doing so. In turn, it aims to enhance 13-15 y/o Math students’ interest and excellence in STEAM through an interdisciplinary approach that uses interactive simulations to strengthen their soft & hard skills for Math learning in the 21st century.

The results expected upon completion of Math Art Stories (MAS) are: 

-WP2: A Pedagogical Guidebook on the Applicability of Digital Storytelling in STEAM for secondary STEAM teachers 

-WP3: An E-learning Course in Mathematical Digital Storytelling. WP3 will involve lower secondary Math teachers (incl. marginalized groups) in training to using the E-Learning Course

-WP4: Math Art Stories; Interactive Simulations: non-digital scripts, storyboards, digital sequences and interactive simulations will be tested in secondary Math classes through national pilot tests to enhance the use of interdisciplinary Math learning through Art ramifications via the use of digital and innovative methodologies.

