“INSPIRE- Innovative Serious Play for Identifying your Role in a Social Entrepreneurship” (INSPIRE) project is aiming to INSPIRE and empower young people between 18-24 engage with Social Entrepreneurship, create teams and found their companies, through an innovative toolkit and a psychometric serious game.
Nowadays, the importance of Social entrepreneurship for economic development is widely recognized. 2019 OESC report provides strong evidence that young people (15-24) in Europe are struggling to find work. 15% of them are unemployed while in some countries this rate peaks over 30%. “The map of social enterprises and their eco-systems in Europe” (2015) highlights the main constrains of starting and scaling up a social enterprise; lack of entrepreneurial spirit , managerial skills, lack of viable business models, difficulties in accessing markets. ESM (Europe Startup Monitor) reveals that young people try to overcome all the above challenges by forming teams (over 79% of founders started as a team).
INSPIRE project proposes that the success key for a new Social entreprise is the TEAM. The formation of a team with complementary skills, competences and roles before starting as well as engagement of new members during its scale-up are essential. Thus INSPIRE project emphasizes in developing a toolkit for assessing the skills and competences as well as personality and career characteristics of young people (age 18-24) and empowering them to develop efficient teams and companies.
More specifically the intellectual outputs which will be created during the project include:
O1- Methodological guide of INSPIRE project
O2- Learning training guide for career development and psychometric methods. It will involve guidelines relevant to social entrepreneurship for assessing Personality characteristics and Skills and create effective teams
O3- Learning training guide for viable Social Enterprises business models addressing challenges based on SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and for effective use of Social Medias. It will include specific examples of innovative social enterprises with different business models as well as effective ways of using Social Medias to engage people in your TEAM
O4- Innovative psychometric Serious Game. The game will ask young people (age 18-24) to find solutions in challenges addressing SDGs, and deal with everyday activities and processes in a small social enterprise. Through the game there will be done an assessment on the skills, competences and personality of the players. The scope is players to get aware of themselves and identify the role they can play in a team of a Social Enterprise. Moreover players will get better qualified on challenges of Social enterprises (workload, mission drift, finding funding, communicating the idea, engaging more people, working with colleagues etc) and SDGs.
-promote entrepreneurship education and social entrepreneurship among young people (age 18-24)
-support young people (18-24) to identify their skills and competences, in order to develop them more or acquire new for succeeding in developing sustainable Social Enterprises
-enhance acquisition of key skills and competences in Social entrepreneurship, SDGs, Self-awareness, Social Media from young people (18-24)
-create an innovative digital toolkit and serious game promoting open education and innovative practices in a digital era
-strengthen youth trainers, career advisors and relevant professionals skills
-create an innovative and efficient toolkit that youth trainers, career advisors and relevant professionals can implement and enlarge the project’s impact
TARGET GROUPS of the project:
-Young men and women (age 18-24)
-Youth trainers, career advisors, psychologists
-Other relevant professionals like team-builders, hr managers, adult trainers, university professors, youth supporting groups, etc
The project meets a transnational need for innovation in the field of career development of young people and engagement with INSPIRing Social Entrepreneurship. The partners, Challedu (Greece), MC2020 (Spain), KESO (Greece), CiP (Cyprus), come from different backgrounds and are capable to create a holistic approach. The materials and method that will be developed through the project, will be of global interest and will have the ability to be applied in different environments.
Project website: www.inspireyouth.cip-projects.eu
Project duration: 1st February 2020 until 31th January 2022 (24 months)
Project number: 2019-3-EL02-KA205-005215
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