The overall goal of the project is to help young people fully realize their potential in economic and social dimensions as well, by mapping the ways to encourage and assist them to be entrepreneurs, and socially responsible persons. The project duration is 19 month, starting on 1st of May, 2017. It is carried out by an international partnership made up of 5 organizations (from Cyprus, Hungary, Mexico, Slovakia and Romania).
Partners will collect good practices and policy initiatives related to involving young people into entrepreneurial activities, and to starting and managing social enterprises. At least 5 well described good practices and/or policy initiatives will be collected (at least 25 in total). Additionally, 3 personal success stories will be collected and described in a way that it is motivating for the young. The good practices and policy initiatives, as well as personal success stories collected by the partners will be elaborated into a comprehensive, English-language international compilation.
2 youth workers from every partner countries will take part in 15-20 day long mobility project (job shadowing) at partner organizations, where during their stay they will be provided with coaching and mentoring. During the mobility will take part in the daily work of the receiving organization, they will learn in details about the functioning and fieldwork of it, and they will get acquainted with the methods used by the partner. Inter-EU mobility projects will take 15 days, while youth workers coming from and going to Mexico will stay for a longer period (20 days), since due to significant differences, they will need more time to achieve the goal of the mobility.
In the project, partners will develop a curriculum and learning materials for a two-module training. The first module of the training will be on youth entrepreneurship (including introduction to the entrepreneur mind-set [attitude and mentality] and business planning), and a second one will cover social economy. It will contain tasks made more attractive through gamification elements, i.e. creating competitive and cooperative situations. The materials will be further improved using the experience of 25 youth worker (5 from each country) during an international experience sharing and training improvement seminar. Materials will be tested at national trainings in all countries.
Dissemination activities will include active presence on the Internet (webportal, facebook pages, forum posts), a kick-off conference in Mexico, national dissemination workshops and press conferences in each country, preparation and distribution of brochures, creation of promotional short movies and a closing event in Hungary.
Project number: 589915-EPP-1-2017-1-HU-EPPKA2-CBY-ACPALA
The website of the project:
Click here for the Facebook page
KA2 capacity building for Youth