
CodER: Teaching coding and microcontrollers to young people through virtual Escape Rooms

The CodER project aims to address youth unemployment by materialising knowledge on coding and microcontrollers through the innovative method of Escape Rooms (ERs) for youth workers and organisations to educate young people with, and attempt to increase their interest and engagement towards occupations that are related to coding and microcontrollers. The root of youth unemployment is currently found at the mismatch between supply and demand of digital skills in the labour market. Therefore, this project represents an attempt to close the digital skills gap by transferring knowledge to youth workers and organisations, and in turn to young people themselves.

The use of Escape Rooms as a non-formal education tool opens up new ways to engage young people to follow tech-oriented pathways, especially young women. ERs help to better understand programming, especially considering the difficulties young people face in this field and the high failure rates in programming. ERs using a wide range of puzzles, incorporating programming challenges, and combining both digital and physical resources, will create a multitudinous hybrid experience and increase young people’s motivation. The educational ERs will include riddles directly connected to the taught subjects (programming and microcontrollers).

The results of the project will be:

An introductory module on the basics of coding and microcontrollers
A methodological and pedagogical guide on the use of Escape Rooms as educational tools
A handbook with Escape Room scenarios, including programming and microcontrollers challenges
An Escape Room Generator that will give the opportunity to the user to modify already existing Escape Rooms or make them from scratch

Partnership: DIGIJEUNES (FR), Challedu (GR), C.I.P. CITIZENS IN POWER (CY), RITE Research Institute for Technological Evolution (CY), AKMI ANONIMI EKPAIDEFTIKI ETAIRIA (GR), Kalimera, obrt za usluge (HR)


Facebook page: To be announced soon

Duration: February 2nd, 2022 – February 2nd, 2024 (24 months)

Project Number: 2021-1-FR02-KA220-YOU-000028696

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