
CitSci4All: Social Inclusion and participation of Deaf and Hard of Hearing adults in Citizen Science for Climate Change.

The project CitSci4All centers on the inclusion and active participation of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community in matters of climate change. Participation is achieved through Citizen Science, the practice of the public’s involvement in data collection and monitoring practices for the purposes of a scientific cause or project.

The unprecedented thread of climate change and the instability it creates to habitats and resources, necessitates the involvement and participation of all in climate action. Citizen Science can empower citizens to become active agents of environmental change in their community, locally and globally. Although the centrality of the citizen as a catalyst for change is recognized in EU’s climate action policy, no direct provisions are made for the active participation of people with disabilities in general and specifically for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community. This project envisions citizen science as a means for social and environmental justice with an immediate impact on people’s living conditions.

The project will offer the following recourses:

A Guide on DHH Populations’ Engagement in Citizen Science for Climate Change
A Customized Citizen Science Toolkit for DHH Trainers with digital learning nuggets and inclusive multimedia resources.
A Comprehensive Report on Citizen Science Project Implementations by DHH Adults for Climate Change.
A Reflective Report, ‘The Way Ahead to Open Roads: A Report on the Lessons Learnt and Gained Through the Inclusion of DHH Adults & Trainers in CS Projects for Climate Change’. Video testimonials of DHH adults reflecting on their experiences will accompany the report.

Partnership: IRSAM Association De Patronage De L’ Institut Regional Des Jeunes Sourds et Des Jeunes Aveugles De Marseille (FR), IST Fondazione Istituto dei Sordi di Torino ONLUS (IT), Web2Learn (GR), IASIS (GR), C.I.P Citizens in Power (CY), RITE Research Institute for Technological Evolution (CY)


Facebook Page: @CitSci4All

Duration: 01 February 2022 – 01 February 2024 (24 months)

Project Number: 2021-1-FR01-KA220-ADU-000035221

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
