In the countries of the entreYOUTH consortium, there is an urgent need to address and respond to the gap that exists in the provision of trainings and availability of trained youth workers with regard to equipping youth with enterprising skills in marginalized “alternative food networks” (informal networks of food provisioning and redistribution especially among local & vulnerable groups).
As a response to this gap, the project will provide an in-depth blended training guide for junior and senior youth workers on sustainable and circular urban food enterprising in co-creation with quadruple helix stakeholders and reliance on online training approaches enabling youth workers to improve the quality and effectiveness of their teaching.
The entreYOUTH project aims to develop a transnational non-formal education entrepreneurial youth worker training programme targeting youth and youth workers, with the aim of equipping youth with the know-how and experience to provide added value in alternative food networks by embedding sustainability and circular economy practices, especially youth coming from vulnerable groups who do not possess entrepreneurial skills that would enable them to scale-up their ideas or to engage in social enterprising that would open up their opportunities beyond such alternative food. Ultimately, the project seeks to promote and support active citizenship, young people’s sense of initiative and youth entrepreneurship including social entrepreneurship.
In addition, entreYOUTH will facilitate digital certification according to Youthpass for youth participants and EntreComp and DigComp for youth workers.
TARGET GROUPS: Youth workers, Young People
PR 1: Sustainable & circular urban food enterprising (SURFE) curriculum
PR 2: Youth worker train the trainer toolkit
PR 3: Community training event concept development (pilot)
PR 4: A community food sharing cloud platform
Partnership: The University of Almeria (ES), YET (GR), HELIXCONNECT EUROPE (RO), SCA (ES), Ítaca (ES), C.I.P. Citizens In Power (CY).
Duration: 01/11/2021 – 01/11/2023
Project’s Number: 2021-1-ES02-KA220-YOU-000028693
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