
DiOtherCity: Digital tools for professionals in the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs)

The project proposes an adult learning programme for professionals in the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs), who wish to learn practical applications of digital tools to design innovative cultural experiences in their city. The focus will be on creating alternative narratives as well as new digital environments, whilst designing city tours in peripheral spaces.

The project responds to the dramatic changes this year that have left many CCI professionals unemployed. Many creative activities have moved from live to virtual space, and professionals have either been made redundant, or have found themselves unskilled to adapt to the new online interactions. In addition, the employees first impacted dramatically by the COVID-19 lockdown, are self-employed, freelance and people on short term contracts, which is the majority in the CCIs. There is a clear need for training professionals in the CCIs, in soft and hard skills, to adapt to our “new normal”, and creating employment opportunities.

Tourism and heritage are closely linked to the CCIs, providing audience and income for cultural activities. Festivals, theatres and cultural centres (to name just a few) are dependent on tourism, and provide work for many professionals in the CCIs: guides, designers, curators, audio visual and sound technicians, programmers, musicians etc.

However, mass tourism has become unsustainable. Its negative impact on the ecosystem and local environments has long been criticised. Since the COVID-19 travel restrictions and lockdown of public places, it has become evident that relying on mass tourism as an economic driving force is no longer possible.

As an alternative, there is the tourism of experience. It focuses on “living” experiences in the city instead of “visiting” it, and it seeks alternative spaces to the overcrowded main attractions. It aims to move away from the centre to the periphery, and it has always included local and national audiences.


The target audience of the project are professionals in the CCIs, especially unemployed, or in short-term employment, or simply wish to develop their skills. On a second level, the project targets adult education organizations and employment services, as key stakeholders to help disseminate the material.

The Project will develop an Open Educational Resource and Training course with 5 modules and 4 toolboxes.


Duration: 01/06/2021 – 31/05/2023

Project’s Website:

Project’s Number:  2020-1-ES01-KA227-ADU-095512



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